Fat Knitting Superhero, disguised as Mild Mannered Yarn Shop Employee.

Archive for the ‘Fair Isle’ Category

We interrupt this message to bring you…

…the following awesome afghan!

I know I was supposed to talk about socks today, but then Kay dropped by the store today to show me her finished afghan.  It’s from the Six-Month-Become-a-Better-Knitter class (aka SiMonBeBeK).  Isn’t it beautiful!  Kay (with support and help in class) designed and knit each square based on the techniques taught in class.  I think my favorite is the intarsia square – the daisy in the corner.

Since each knitter in the class designs her own squares, they’re all very different and it’s so exciting for me to see the finished pieces.  It’s even better when I see them all sewn together!

I love how the "K" looks in this view!

As seen from the top!

Got Sox?

Handknit socks have a mystique all their own.  Most knitters feel very confident that they can knit a scarf or a hat, even a sweater (even if they haven’t made one yet, they’re sure they can).  But socks?  Socks seem like a mystery.  So, over the next few posts, I hope to de-mystify the sock-knitting process.

Meanwhile, here’s some inspiration – my sock drawer!  If I can do it, so can you!

click to biggify

A Sweater Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a lovely lady named Stacie (Hi, Stacie!). Stacie’s very charming husband gave her a very nice Christmas present – a class from me on knitting raglan sweaters from the top down (my absolute FAVORITE way to make sweaters). Stacie took her new knowledge and, completely on her own, made this absolutely delightful sweater for her own little Princess. Isn’t it the absolute cutest thing you’ve ever seen?

Isn't it the cutest thing?

Stacie used what she learned in class, plus neck shaping from Barbara Walker’s book Knitting From the Top, the class textbook, and added her own touches.  My favorite part is the adorable line of elephants marching around the bottom!  You can see Stacie’s notes and a photo of the young Princess wearing it on Ravelry.com by clicking the photo above.

Good work, Stacie!  (I feel a bit like a proud granny – I hope that’s okay!)

Christmas in July – Stockings!

We had a lot of fun in this class!  The ladies learned to read color charts, and knit with two colors – one in each hand!  Look at the beautiful results!

Fair Isle Christmas Stocking